A Comparative Study of the British, German and French Governments’ Strategies Concerning Muslims and Their Consequences

Document Type : Science - Research


1 Associate Professor of the Regional Studies Department, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, IRAN.

2 Ph.D. in Islamic Education Teacher, Islamic Revolution Field, University of Qom, Qom, IRAN.

3 Ph.D. Student in Political Thought, Islamic Azad University of Science and Research, Tehran, IRAN.


The European countries have adopted a particular policy and manner to conflict with Muslims in their countries. These policies are classified into three behavioral patterns of British, German, and French. The British model is cultural pluralism, the German is Muslims’ integration in German society, and the French are melting melt pot. In their belief, Muslims must be dissolved in French culture and eliminated their religious identity. Other European countries follow one of these three models. The present study aimed to answer the following questions: ‘What effect have these strategies and patterns had on the living conditions of Muslims and the whole society of that country?’ ‘Were the approaches a plan or practical?’ ‘Which policies have been more successful quickly or strictly in confronting Islamic extremism (Takfiri terrorism) and Secular extremism (European terrorism)?’ ‘What was the practical result of these approaches in the Western European countries' social and security conditions?’


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