Investigating the Impact of the Islamic Revolution of Iran on "Land Policy" in Rural Areas

Document Type : Science - Research


1 Assistant professor, Social science International University of Imam Khomeini, Qazvin, IRAN

2 Professor, Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, IRAN.

3 Assistant Professor, Political Science, Islamic Azad university of Takestan, Takestan, IRAN.


Land and "Land Policy" have always been important social issues that are related to and dependent on the policies and governance models of different countries. In contemporary Iranian history, the issue of land has always been an unresolved matter and a focus of the government's attention. The significance and sensitivity of this issue led policymakers to immediately address it after the Islamic Revolution, and the specific legal, social, and political concerns in this area prompted the formulation and implementation of a new policy for land distribution in rural areas of the country. Given the importance of this topic, the central theme of this research is the transformations that occurred in the field of rural land ownership in Iran under the influence of the Islamic Revolution, with the main goal of examining the impact that the phenomenon of the Iranian Islamic Revolution had on land policy in Iran. Therefore, the main question of this article is ‘What was the land policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in rural areas and on what principles, foundations, and implementation methods was it based?’ In response to this question, using a comparative method, we have addressed the land policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in rural areas and ultimately examined this policy by presenting a model.


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