Critique of Western Liberalism in Reading Spirituality in Secularism with Emphasis on the Works of Allamah Tabataba’i

Document Type : Science - Research


1 Department of Theoretical Foundations, Faculty of Islamic Education and Thought, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Tehran University, Tehran, IRAN.

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Tehran University, Tehran, IRAN.

4 Associate Professor, Iranian Institute of Philosophy, Iranian Institute of Philosophy, Tehran, IRAN.


Today, the approach of separating spirituality from religion in modern spirituality, in competition with spirituality derived from established religions, is prevalent. One of the key foundations of this approach is the liberalism towards Western readings. The present study aims to critique the basis of liberalism in separating spirituality from religion in order to clarify the fundamental flaws of this approach and the inadequacy of its results in providing for human spiritual life. In this regard, the works of Allamah Tabataba’i, as one of the greatest interpreters of Islamic teachings, have been extensively utilized. To this aim, data collection was done through library research and information processing using descriptive-analytical method with a critical approach. According to the findings, liberalism towards Western readings, rooted in individualistic humanism, is ineffective in the foundation of human spiritual life regarding the three major criticisms. Firstly, absolute freedom, which is the basis and component of the approach of separating spirituality from religion, is unattainable and non-existent. Then, freedom is not the ultimate goal but a tool to achieve genuine and true spirituality, and finally, rights-based approaches, considered as consequences of liberalism, are in contrast and on the other hand, duty-based approaches are the crucial basis for achieving true spirituality and without it, it is unimaginable.


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