Evaluating the Challenges of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Achieving Political Justice in the Legal Sphere

Document Type : Science - Research


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran.


The fulfilling of justice and hence political justice as the primary goal of the Islamic Republic of Iran faces challenges as it is perceived as a significant obstacle to achieving this goal and, on the other hand, poses a threat to the efficiency of the system. Therefore, the present study focuses on the topic of law in response to the main question: ‘What challenges does the Islamic Republic of Iran face in achieving political justice in the legal sphere?’ By utilizing the conceptual framework of political justice and employing a descriptive-analytical method, the research aims to evaluate the progressive challenges of the Islamic Republic based on the current status of political justice. The findings indicated that while the conditions for equality at the level of legislation are relatively favorable, the elements of equality are not well realized at the levels of implementation and monitoring. The failure to apply and promote the element of competence in law-making is considered a barrier to achieving political justice.


Main Subjects

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