Behaviorology of Elites and Experts in Determining a Successor after the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Death According to the Historical Sociology

Document Type : Science - Research


Associate Professor, Islam History and Civilization, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Tehran University, Tehran, IRAN


The investigation into the factors that led elites and experts to choose a different path for selecting a ruler after the demise of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), disregarding his directives, and the subsequent compliance of the people with them, is the primary focus of this research. The present study aims to uncover the factors that shaped the transformations at the time of the passing of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH). Utilizing historical data and a descriptive-analytical method, it examines and evaluates the cultural life of Arabs in the context of selecting a tribal chief and their customs and traditions in this selection process. According to its findings, considering the large number of newly converted Muslims at the time of the Prophet's (PBUH) passing and the absence of a centralized inter-tribal government prior to his rule in Hijaz, the prevailing beliefs among Arabs in selecting a tribal chief-such as the disregard for the explicit instructions of the previous chief and the appointment of a ruler based on material criteria like physical appearance, age, etc.-are evident. Furthermore, if the Prophet (PBUH) issued a directive that did not align with the preferences of certain companions or was beyond their limited understanding, they would openly or covertly oppose it. The discourse of the elites and experts present at the Saqifah Bani Sa'ida in determining the successor to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) can be evaluated in this context.


Main Subjects

Holy Quran
Nahj al-Balaghah
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